to TOBLERONE, a TFL approved fanlisting for the chocolate Toblerone. If you're a fan, why not join us!
A huge thank you to Jess from for adopting this fanlisting out to me at the end of March 2024. Jess adopted it from Ainna at, who originally adopted it from Inge at after it was created in 2010!
Last updated: 02nd January 2025 Member count: 705, from 57 countries Pending members: 0 Newest members:Fritzi Opened: 12th June 2010 Script used:Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] Website version: 01
what is a fanlisting?
A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a particular subject, whether it be a TV show, actor, or musician. It is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. - TFL
This fanlisting is owned by Maddy and is part of the walking backwards fanlisting collective. Also a member of The Fanlistings Network. I do not own nor am affiliated with anyone associated with Toblerone, and no infringement is intended.